How do thermal imaging cameras help people find hidden dangers in buildings?

How do thermal imaging cameras help people find hidden dangers in buildings?

As a pre-maintenance diagnostic technology, infrared thermal imaging is an extremely economical diagnostic method that does not damage the building itself.It can be widely used in the assessment, maintenance, detection and diagnosis of buildings.Infrared thermal imaging camera is a device that can visualize the temperature distribution of objects.

Through the visualization of temperature, it can be effectively carried out in a short time: peeling or hollowing detection of exterior wall facing materials; water leakage or stagnant water Testing; material insulation performance testing; room air tightness testing.

water leak detection

1. Water leakage detection

Due to the difference in thermal fusion of dry and wet building materials, moisture problems in flat or low-slope roofs are easily detected with a thermal imaging camera.Wet areas, which change temperature more slowly than dry areas, are susceptible to evaporative cooling, making them visible on thermal imaging cameras. Causes of such leaks include pipe leaks, leaks from the outside, and condensation. Dampness in this condition is often a sign of toxins, mold, and air quality issues.

House Hollow DetectionHouse empty drum detection23

2. House empty drum detection

The hollowing and peeling of exterior wall decoration materials such as mortar or tiles may lead to falling, resulting in accidents; the corrosion of steel bars in concrete walls will lead to the aging of the strength of the entire building itself, and the suspected rusty internal cavity , are usually difficult to detect with the naked eye.

The traditional knocking method takes a lot of time, and the cost of scaffolding is very high. Therefore, the use of infrared thermography for the detection of hollowing and peeling of external walls is becoming more and more popular.

Once the exterior wall material has peeled off, a layer of air is formed, commonly referred to as cavitation. Due to the greater thermal insulation properties of the air layer, the temperature at the empty drum position fluctuates greatly compared with the normal wall surface. When the sun shines or the temperature rises, the temperature of the cavity is higher than that of the normal wall. When there is no light at night, the temperature of the hollow drum will be lower than that of the normal wall.

Door and window sealing performance testing

3. Door and window sealing performance testing

The cold air that leaks in will cause the temperature of the area around the door and window to be low. The low temperature area can be seen by using the thermal imaging camera. Thermal imaging can also be used to determine the heat source in the building structure. When used in conjunction with the blast door, the infrared thermal imaging camera is A powerful tool for judging potential conductive energy losses.

It can be seen from the picture that this is a house with a brick wall structure, and the walls are unevenly cooled and heated. At the same time, this is a photo taken in winter. It can be seen that the heating of the house is basically concentrated on the ground floor, and it can be judged that the outer wall of the house is poorly sealed.



Post time: Mar-16-2023